Dr. Oz, Dissected

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I think my spirit guide sent him to me this AM.  What's he's saying is syncing up quite well with my new understandings of 'disease'.

It comes down to the simple old standard: faith.  You either are here because you trust that God has you here for as long as you are supposed to be here, or you aren't.

Now, I've had some issues with 'faith' (partially because my spirit guide put me in some situations where it seemed pretty evident that 'the good' wasn't what was happening to me, and I'd not seen the whole set of facts yet).

But really, if you get your flu shot and get hit by a truck on the way back, that's the way He works.

I'd be far more concerned about the 'industrial' nature of the vaccinations.  I didn't ever do mainline drugs, even when many of my friends were *really* into it, simply on the assumption that my body had filter systems designed to prevent this immediate intrusion of anything into the bloodstream.

Given what I know now about these vaccines, I'd sooner shoot up the speed that tipped onto the dirty table and got sopped up through a cigarette filter that turned my friend green (the 'rush') than go to an MDeity.

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