Today's Letter to the President

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I feel I should point out that this man who just sat down with you sits down regularly with a blatant racist (Lieberman) to do his 'work'.

I don't believe that any American should ever 'work' with such people.

These people are not our friends, and our wars for their benefit do us no good at all.

You are, in my judgment, a war criminal for allowing this to continue, and for not prosecuting your predecessor as is required by international law.

The only place in the mid-east which *deserves* US troops at this point is Gaza, and that's to protect these innocents from our 'friends'.

You are supporting a bunch of sick, weirdo religious nutjobs.

Of course, I don't expect you'd change a whit, I just wanted to mention how *proud* I am to have voted for Cynthia McKinney, and that I'll likely never vote for your party again, you sick bastard.

I hope your dreams are filled with the images of the broken burnt babies that you provide the world.

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It's been days since Israel broke the truce and started murdering Palestinians again.

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