Sharon served as Prime Minister from March 2001 until April 2006, though he was unable to carry out his duties after suffering a stroke on 4 January 2006, when he fell into a coma and entered a persistent vegetative state.
In Logo Hunting ...
I found the most *amazing* coincidence (sure to be fodder for some lame-brained theorist if they just try). This is a P&G product I'm unfamiliar with:
The funny part (for the theorists) is that if you look up the same product on P&G's Israel web site, they've turned the 'star' on it's side:
So, is it "Ariel Sharon"? From the wiki:
Would that fit that, "One of the beast's heads looked like it had sustained a mortal wound..." stuff? I mean, his party is *still* running the show (tZippi the Pinhead is his current replacement till he 'gets better').
Hmm, ink-wired minds are the double's workshop.
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