Drug War Filk

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To the tune of 'C-U-B-A' by Irving Berlin:

[1st verse:]

Not so far from here

There's a very lively atmosphere

Ev'rybody's going there this year

And there's a reason

The season opened there before

Ever since the U.S.A. drug 'war'

Ev'rybody's going there and I'm going, too

I'm on my way to


Holland, there's where I'm going

Holland, there's where I'll stay

Holland, where dope is growing

And where blue-eyed Stellas

Light Dutch Masters' Panatellas

Holland, where all is happy

Holland, where all is gay

Why don't you plan a

Wonderful trip

To The Hague?

Just hop on a ship

And I'll see you in Nederland, eh?

[2nd verse:]

Take a friend's advice

Smoking in a cellar isn't nice

Anybody who has got the price

Should be in Holland

Have you been longing for the 'smile'

That you haven't had for quite a while?

If you have, then follow me and I'll show the way

I'm on my way to

[Counterpoint Refrain:]

Why don't you do your smoking like a Dutchman

Instead of hiding in a cellar?

Since Prohibition, tell me, pal, have you been

A very frightened little feller?

Why don't you smoke it from a hookah

'Stead of a tiny silver pipe?

Smoke your hooch, dope and weed

Where the DEA can't feed

The finest bars are there, cigars are there

That only are made for Dutchmen

I'm not a drinking lady, I never smoked a Panatella

But I'm a she who likes to be where all is gay, okay!

So let us leave our cares and troubles behind

And tell 'em our new address

Is where they stay up late and drink till they're blind?

Blind, but nevertheless

They're glad to see you in Nederland, eh?


Why don't you travel with us on a train or a bus

To the Netherlands where we can begin

To plan a wonderful trip on a plane or a ship

That'll take us from prison state to Nivana?

See you in Nederdand, eh?

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