This is masterful. He addresses many of the current issues in the mid-east, and follows up with the Israeli Ambassador, who gets the most interesting final question from Stephen (Helen Thomas' remark purified).
BTW, I need to again remind you that this lying sack of shit (the Israeli Ambassador) is using the word 'rocket' where ANY American would properly recognize the item in question (if they were shown) as a 'firework'. The Lebanese have 'rockets' (yano, with fins, guidance systems and warheads). The Palestinians have hand made items.
Yes, the Gazans shot thousands of fireworks at Israel (they'd stopped, BTW, until Israel came at them on Election day). Since they have to make them from pipe and piss, they don't go very far, and the damage they cause is marginal compared to a real 'rocket' or 'missile'. It would be as if someone shot a really big skyrocket at you.
On the other hand, the Israelis have apparently developed some really interesting new weapons that they test out on Gaza. One is a hand grenade with a radius of destruction of only a meter.
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