The Business Plot (xposted at randi rhodes forum)

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Here, I can actually post the video where there I can only link.

The video is up on the Google: ... 1767818729 

There's a book at Amazon: ... 602390363/ is the Wiki entry.

Smedley Darlington Butler (nicknamed "The Fighting Quaker" and "Old Gimlet Eye") was the twice-awarded Medal of Honor winner chosen by the instigators to lead the new Fascist regime.

He later wrote a book titled, "War is a Racket" which is available online:

Now, that all said, the reason I'm posting this is because there's a bit that I can't post a link to, and people in Washington DC *WOULD* be able to get at pretty easily.

You see, at the Library of Congress, they keep back issues of magazines like "New Masses" on microfilm, and they just happen to have the c. January 1935 issues that should contain the original articles by John L. Spivak detailing the redacted testimony about the instigators (who they were).

Apparently, Mr. Spivak came to the conclusion that the whole idea of 'anti-anythingism' was a drumbeat that these folks (the instigators) set the rhythm for, and that (in this case) it was clear that though they wanted their minions divided, at the top, they were united.

I'd love to see that article posted so that we've got the full set online. Perhaps someone in DC might visit the LOC.

It would help explain such curious remarks as this one (from the write-up of the video):

On the final day of the committee, January 29, 1935, John L. Spivak published the first of two articles in Communist magazine New Masses, revealing portion of congressional committee testimony that had been redacted as hearsay. Spivak argued that the plot is part of a Fascist conspiracy of financiers and Jews to take over the USA.

(my bold, but WTF???),7733

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