Ok, Admittedly ...

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You can tell this woman is *WAY* over-theatrical (and a sovereign-righstist, as well), but it does bring up an interesting point.  These cops just wandered up to her door looking for someone else, and used the warrant for the guy to search her house.  If it was a warrant for *her*, I could understand it, but this is a third-party.  

You'd think there'd have to be a separate warrant for her house based on some sworn testimony that someone saw the guy there, right?

No, it's the 'New Federal Laws' (as interpreted by these obvious 'legal scholars').

All across America, law officers are grabbing powers they never had before, that are not theirs to grab-- bullying, arresting, abusing citizens. At least this woman video taped the perpetrators. If she finds a good lawyer, she should be able to sue. 

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