Juan de Fuca

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Yano, I tend to notice people who notice things.  Zennie62 noticed a pattern of earthquakes.

I'm noticing the *absence* of a part of that pattern, and I might point out that it doesn't bode well for Micro$oft, or (unfortunately) Thom Hartmann.

If you look at the USGS pix of recent earthquakes.  You'll see what Zennie62 saw, but if you note, there's an odd dispersal of the quakes.  To wit:

From Mexico up to nearly Oregon, the quakes follow the fault line.

From Oregon to nearly Alaska, the quakes are all inland.

In Alaska, there are inland quakes as well as quakes on the fault line.

Now, the 'fault line' could be considered as 'fault lines', because of the presence of the 'Juan de Fuca' plate.  Our side of the boundary is ALL North American plate, but the stuff on the other side is: Pacific plate from Alaska to just north of Vancouver, Juan de Fuca plate from there to just past Oregon, and then Pacific plate again the rest of the way.

The dispersal of the quakes is along the border of the NA/PP, and underneath NA where it's near Juan de Fuca.

Now, that might just seem curious if there weren't another 500 lb. gorilla in the room.

You see, there's a 'great' earthquake that happens in the Cascadian system, that really messes things up there from time to time.  The Native American tradition of the 'Thunderbird' may well be due to this recurrent event.

It's when the stagnant Juan de Fuca plate gets enough lubrication built up to slip yet again.  The event is similar to the quake that occurred in Indonesia a few Xmases back.  Lubrication, in the case of a tectonic plate, is of course, lava.  

The natives also have another story:

A volcano that will devastate the Seattle area is foretold is an ancient prophecy from Washington State's Puyallup tribe, which says, "The time will come when Little Sister will speak, and Grandfather will answer, and the land will be swept clean to the ocean." Sun Bear explained that Donald Matheson, a leader of the Puyallup tribe, moved his people to Idaho in 1979 because he believed it was time for this prophecy to be fulfilled. In March 1980, the mountain that we call little sister began to whisper. May 18th of 1980, the Little Sister spoke with a cubic mile of mountain that was spread over the northwest area, and many other parts of the world... "The Little Sister is called Mount St. Helens. Soon, the Grandfather is going to answer so much bigger. That one is called Mt. Rainier." 

It starts just south of the Oregon border and the rock just kind of 'unzips' all the way to Canada.  It's generally considered to be a magnitude 9+ earthquake that goes on for a thousand miles, and at five hundred miles an hour, takes two hours to complete.  The tsunami produced could reach 100 ft. high.

This is the article that caught my attention:


Earthquakes in Los Angeles, Oregon, and Alaska all 4 on Richter

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Media attention has been on the Tuesday Los Angeles Earthquake that was 4.4 on the Richter scale, but there were earthquakes in Los Angeles and in Oregon and Alaska and all at or over 4 on the Richter Scale over the last two days.

According to the USGS, the Los Angeles Earthquake was located 18.9 miles below Pico Rivera, CA. But it wasn't the only quake over 4 to hit the West Coast over the past two days.

A larger earthquake, at 4.6, was located at Bandon, Oregon, a town of just over 2,800 people. While that quake hit on March 15th, it went largely unreported.

And Alaska has been the epicenter of eight earthquakes in the past two days and all over 3 on the Richter Scale - this too was largely unreported. The largest quake was today, Tuesday, and just after the LA quake. It was located in Rampart, AK and was 4 on the Richter Scale.

If your curious, check the information yourself here: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsus/Quakes/quakes_big.php. It's rather alarming.

The Alaska region has faced 245 earthquakes, most under 3, over the last week alone; see: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsus/Maps/special/Alaska.php. If I'm reading the data correctly, Alaska's the most active area in the World over the last week, as of this writing.

Stay tuned.

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