We all Know, "It's My Party, And I'll Cry if I Want To"

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 But it's got a *SEQUEL*!!!



'Cause now it's Judy's turn to cry,
Judy's turn to cry,
Judy's turn to cry,
'Cause Johnny's come back to me.

Oh, when Judy left with Johnny at my party
And came back wearing his ring
I sat down and cried my eyes out,
Now that was a foolish thing!

'Cause now it's Judy's turn to cry,
Judy's turn to cry,
Judy's turn to cry,
'Cause Johnny's come back to me.

Well, it hurt me so to see them dance together,
I felt like making a scene.
Then my tears just fell like raindrops
'Cause Judy's smile was so mean.

But now it's Judy's turn to cry,
Judy's turn to cry,
Judy's turn to cry,
'Cause Johnny's come back to me.

(Instrumental Break)

Oh, one night I saw them kissin' at a party,
So I kissed some other guy.
Johnny jumped up and he hit him,
'Cause he still loved me, that's why.

So now it's Judy's turn to cry,
Judy's turn to cry,
Judy's turn to cry,
'Cause Johnny's come back to me.

Yay, now it's Judy's turn to cry,
Judy's turn to cry,
Judy's turn to cry...

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