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So the girlz on had (to a man) supported the 'sex scenes' in this movie.

Now, this is a *hot* flick. I'm not bitching about that.  One can have ever so many fantasies from the visuals.

I'm just wondering how many of the 'weaker sex' are actually that intent on being dominated.

I mean, all those years, all those Cosmos I read, all tended to indicate you folks wanted oral sex, and that, before penetration

If I'd known that you really just wanted to be spanked brutally, and then bathed, I'd have taken a different approach, yano?

I think that perhaps that that gender has some kind of gender-based tongue-twistedness that prevents it's proper expression.

So, c'mon girlz, what's up?

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on March 14, 2010 6:12 PM.

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