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Lovely word.  It's the name for all those weird little shapes made out of sticks and string.

I looked it up because I'm working on yet another Object Oriented Relational Database.

Now, the idea of a Relational Database (RDB) is that you keep just one of everything, in it's own table, and you join the tables to make sense of things.  So, in a table about things you can do, you'll have an index number for every 'thing' and every 'do'.  The name of the thing will be in another table (with it's index number), as will the name of the 'do' items.

With Object Oriented programming, you make 'instances' of things that can make other 'instances' of things that point at each other and such.

When I realized it, I had to look it up.  The whole concept is just like building a tensegrity sphere.  

For the longest time, it looks like a pile of sticks and strings.  Then, when everything gets taut, it finally looks like a ball.

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