Not something from one of those Viagra commercials or something.
It was something different. I suppose being off-track is better for comments. Diatribes are hard to work with.
I think that pretty much puts the nail in the coffin of the fundies, personally.
There's absolutely no reason to take the claim of 'infallibility' in any book that's so *OBVIOUSLY* incorrect.
Male, female, and *multiple* forms of 'other' are the way sHe creates them. sHe likes variety, and complexity, and entertainment value.
So, if you run across a book that says that sHe creates them male and female, and attributes the 'otherness' to some kind of evil, beware.
sHe makes them with funny parts, and funny minds.
I know that I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: When I first found out what a 'fag' was (I'd been trying to figure it out as an acronym), I was incredulous. I literally thought they were pulling my leg (Men who want to kiss *MEN*???).
Funny minds. They look like men, but think like women (sort of). I like talking with them. It's a very fresh viewpoint.
I used to have some lesbian friends I hung with a bit in ABQ, but I lost touch with one of them just after I arbitrated her 'divorce' from the other (and she did the *weirdest* thing asking me to arbitrate a failed prostitution deal between herself and my director on a TV show I was doing at the time). It's too bad. I liked them. Divorce often tears up 'hang out' groups, even when it's not direct.
On the other hand, in reflection, all the lesbians were almost as 'over-serious' (for your average hetero woman) as the men are 'over-silly' (for your average hetero man).
In any event, there's *WAYYY* more than two types. The book's (books are) wrong.
But then, how often is it that you read some kind of bizarre tale from the past that was touted as fact at the time (but now is a 'fairy tale'). Say, 'vampires' or perhaps 'witches'?
Some day, the concept of 'deviance' will no longer be in the category of vampires and witches.
Some day, the book will read, "Sentient sHe created them, in all the colors of the rainbow, and all the textures of the earth, with ideas that stretched to the stars. And sHe made them out of, and for, Love."
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