Beyond Belief

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I go on this topic every once in a while, but today (after seeing another veg-head slam meat eaters), I thought I'd point it out again.

Belief is the act of positing as true that which (by definition) one can neither know to be true nor false.

In other words, it's an intentional delusion.

It's affirmative mental illness.

Faith, on the other hand, is merely hoping that one is right.

They are very similar up to a very simple point, and that is one of politeness.

One can have faith that other people are acting incorrectly, but to actually stand up and say so takes the 'knowledge' that one is right.

I get paid to tell people that they are incorrect a lot, so I'm familiar with the practice.

I don't ever do that if I'm not sure.

I know the difference between suspicion and certainty.

I know that anyone who bothers to tell me about 'God' isn't 'certain' of anything.

I know that anyone that blathers on about what animals have going on in their heads isn't certain, either.

In fact, one of the few things I am certain of in life is that I can't be too sure about anything.

But I am sure that I've noted a great deal of variety in the humans' ideas of life, death, and humanity, and I've met enough humans that have less going on within than many veg-heads anthropomorphize into a chicken.

Believers, whether they are believers in a religion, a way of life, a mind-set, whatever, are all just too stupid to be taken seriously.

And vegetables are life-forms, too.  Carrot sticks, if you spit them out before you've chewed them too much and put them back in some dirt will come through just fine.  Yogurt is actually alive.  The idea that you can pick and choose which life forms are too 'sentient' to eat is really somewhat ludicrous, since we've no idea how to judge the sentience of a plant or a fungus.

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