What Was The CIA Doing???

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I'm starting to see the burble in the press about the secret plans that our government has had about spying on it's citizens.

People are *outraged*.  This breach of the right to privacy really annoys them.

So they want to know, "When did this start?"

Well, *always* is a good answer for that.

This is why we have laws against it, as our founding fathers *knew* that this was not only likely, but nearly predictable.

Now, my own working theory is that we've *not* had a president who wasn't a CIA plant since Reagan, and he was better than a plant, he was a buffoon.

We know that Hoover was doing this as far back as he was in office, and Nixon took advantage of it.

We know that the Reagan/Bush White House had not only secret surveillance, but a whole secret army, and a secret drug sales ring that funded it.

Many don't know that Clinton was part of that ring, but that was documented in a number of books linking him to the CIA's drug-running both as Governor and as Attorney General.

I'd venture to guess that the *single* non-spook we've actually had since JFK was Carter.

And one can see the evidence for that quite clearly in the *one* thing that they do well (smears), which simply won't stick to such a good person.

I suspect that some day we will uncover not only the 'October Surprise' connection, but we'll find that the original 'coup' in Iran was also our handiwork (much like I suspect that the *current* minority 'revolution' in Iran is funded by us).

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