In Italy, wedding bouquet throw crashes plane

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Mon, 13 Jul 2009 16:50:51 GMT
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The tradition of throwing the wedding bouquet has led to a tragic plane crash in the port city of Livorno on Italy's western coast. 

The incident happened after the bouquet was sucked into the engine of a light plane that the married couple had hired to fly in after the wedding ceremony. 

The aircraft was flying over a group of single women when the engine caught fire and exploded, Italy's Corriere della Sera reported. 

The plane hit a hostel following a nosedive, but none of the 50 residents were hurt. Sidoro Pensieri, who threw the bouquet, suffered multiple fractures and head injury while the 61-year-old pilot remained unharmed. 

It is a tradition in Europe and North America that the bride throws her bouquet at the reception and single women compete to catch it. The winner is said to be the next who will marry. 

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