I decided that although I did (in fact) have a 'love affair' with my TV set, that it wasn't healthy, and I'd have to cut it off.

Now, part of this was due to my having contracted eighteen months ago with Dish Network (a *fine* company to deal with, IMHO) to support my failing marriage (my MIL told me that one of the reasons my ex was 'depressed' was that I'd cut the cable, but I did that for IT reasons, and she said she didn't care).
In any event, the eighteen months were up on the ninth.
I got inspired to call in just now and ask about it, and it turned out that if I cancelled it *now*, I'd be able to -exactly- tear up my bill and owe nada. So I decided to cancel it (as what I do watch isn't good for me, anyway).
Now, given that this was 'Dish' (satellite driven), I figured they'd be pretty quick on the draw, and I wondered how long. I had the 'Rachel Maddow' show playing on MSNBC (muted) in the bg while I was on the phone.
When I hung up, this is what was on the screen:

Now THAT'S instant service.
Dish also features Free Speech TV and Television Without Borders | Link TV, among other very interesting basic channels.
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