Mendocino District 1 Community Issues Rally

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Dear Single Payer Advocates,
There is an event planned at Mike Thompson's office in Fort Bragg on Monday April 13. 

We are again asking him to support HR 676 and to be a co-sponsor. This rally will be video taped,shown locally and presented to him. 

Let's let him know we are tired of Healthcare ideas which are more of the same system we have now. WE WANT SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE: HR 676 - MEDICARE FOR ALL!

Please plan to come to Fort Bragg Town Hall at 11am for the rally and videotaping.

Richard and Pat

   HealthCare for All
      Mendocino County

Mendocino District 1 Community Issues Rally  
April 13th @ Fort Bragg Town Hall & Surrounds
  Begin at 11:00; Presentation Video Takes at noon
With Mike Thompson back in town for his spring break, we have a moment to speak our truths and visually inform him about Community Issues that are large in our hearts at this time. 

We will gather at his office and present our demands for his specific action as our representative to Washington.  The event will be videotaped and a copy given to Mike as well as MCCT, the web and other CD1 activist organizations. We will gather together and witness our resolve toward a new culture of community caring and responsibility.

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on April 10, 2009 5:53 AM.

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It's been days since Israel broke the truce and started murdering Palestinians again.

Pres. Barack Obama
(202) 456-1111

Sen. Dianne Feinstein
(415) 393-0707

Sen. Barbara Boxer
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Mike Thompson

S. Sen. Patricia Wiggins
(916) 651-4002

Assm. Wesley Chesbro


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