MendoCoastCurrent, March 20, 2009 Yesterday the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), led by Chairman Jon Wellinghoff, filed this FERC Smart Grid Policy Statement introducing a proposed Smart Grid, interoperability standards with an interim period rate plan. FERC has invited comments by May 1, 2009. FERC offered this summary: This proposed policy statement and action plan provides guidance to [...]

MendoCoastCurrent, March 20, 2009 President Barack Obama has designated Jon Wellinghoff as chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), a position he has held on an acting basis since January. Wellinghoff is one of two Democrats on the five-member FERC commission. Separately, the White House said Obama will nominate Commissioner Suedeen Kelly, the panel's other Democrat, [...]

EMMA JACKSON, UniversityWorldNews, March 15, 2009 A research team at Queen's University Belfast in Northern Ireland has renewed a relationship with Aquamarine Power, a leading marine technology energy company. Together they may create the next generation of wave power converters that could some day be an alternative source of power for European maritime states. This five-year deal [...]

Cherry Creek News Staff, March 17, 2009 WASHINGTON, DC - In a joint statement issued today Secretary of the Interior (DOI), Ken Salazar and Acting Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Jon Wellinghoff announced that the two agencies have confirmed their intent to work together to facilitate the permitting of renewable energy in offshore [...]

Ocean Energy Council, March 17, 2009 Researchers in Dania Beach, Fla., landed almost $1.2 million in a federal grant to continue working on an underwater turbine prototype that will use ocean currents to generate power. Researchers at Florida Atlantic University's (FAU) Center for Ocean Energy Technology (COET) joined Rep. Ron Klein, D-Fla., today to announced the funding [...]

MendoCoastCurrent, March 17, 2009 Here's a map indicating the measurement of wave energy flux around the world: From March 2009 Greentech Innovations Report.

EVAN LEHMANN, The New York Times, March 17, 2009 The oceans might not be big enough for sharp-elbowed renewable energy developers. Aspiring power producers are claiming sweeping stretches of sea along the East Coast, sometimes overlapping each other and igniting modern-day allegations of "claim jumping." Open water miles from shore is the newest frontier for prospectors, as [...]

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