Sign Up for Your City
To stop the banks, Americans are planning creative actions all over the country for April 11. Spread the word. Actions are announced in:
12 million unemployed. Foreclosures up 81%. Wall Street has taken over. We must break up the banks and never again let them get so big that they distort our politics and take down the economy.
Thank you for helping out. Thousands of People Can Change This Country.
Want to help at all? Simple way to demand change -- tell people and they'll tell others.
From now until Protest Day:
1. Sign up your city for a protest, if one has not been registered already.
2. Be our fan of the national FaceBook fan page or twitter.
3. Publicize the protest: download or make your own flyers and distribute them around your community.
Can you?
1. Decide what your action should be -- any creative ideas. Make plans in the forum for your city.
2. Contact other organizations and local news outlets in your area who you think should know about the protest. Different groups have been holding protests of their own -- help everyone out by reaching out to them and get them to join the national protests efforts. Everyone deserves a press releaseand you can post to public calendars that are applicable -- online calendars, community calendars, calendars at your church/synagogue/mosque, school calendars, etc.
3. Help find the numbers for permit offices -- some permit offices are harder to find and applications might not be online. Can you help find phone numbers for permit offices in cities that haven't been registered yet? Please post a comment on the blog here
More About These Protests
A New Way Forward is made up of national protests that will take place all over the country in major cities on April 11, 2009. This site was set up to help people and groups organize around a progressive approach to economic recovery in a ground up, localized organizing effort. People from all backgrounds will come together to influence national policy and organize their own protests in their own city on April 11.
The site allows anyone to sign up their city for a protest and begin working out the details with other local protesters in designated forums. Though each protest will be executed differently by different groups of people, the website provides a national community that will help draw attention, support and resources to the local efforts.
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