The Precession Problem

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Ok, in a nutshell, it's pretty simple.  The 'wobblies' say that the precession of the equinox should move ahead one degree every seventy-two years.

Problem is, it doesn't.  It's speeding up.  Now, one could think that the 'wobbliness' is changing, or one could think, "Perhaps the sun is like MOST of the stars in the sky, and it's got a companion."

Sirius was reportedly a 'red' star.  Now, it's a blue one.

It might actually be the case that it's our companion, and we're about to see it close up (again).

There's this little problem of 'missing angular momentum' in the solar system (in the sun, in fact) which it being a binary would absolutely explain.

And there's the problem of the moon (it doesn't seem to precess).  If it were really happening, it would be happening to everything (since it would be our viewpoint that was altered).

I don't know that it's Sirius, but this is serious.

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