From DPA (and ASA)

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Urge Obama to Protect Medical Marijuana Patients

Call the White House and urge President Obama to keep his campaign promise and end the DEA's raids on medical marijuana patients and providers in California and other states.

This is done

Make a call to President (D) Barack Obama's Office


Phone: (202) 456-1414


District Phone: () -

 Tell us how your call to President (D) Barack Obama's Office went.

Please call the White House and politely urge President Obama to protect medical marijuana patients and providers. Below is a sample call script of what you can say, along with additional talking points for you to use.

Sample Call Script:
"I just read that the DEA made several raids recently on medical marijuana patients and providers in California. I'm calling to urge President Obama to put a stop to this."

Additional talking points you could use (choose one):

  • "I'm mad that my tax dollars are being used to harass cancer and AIDS patients."

  • "I know that President Obama said last year that if he was president he wouldn't waste law enforcement resources undermining state medical marijuana laws. I really hope he puts a stop to these wasteful raids."

  • "President Bush spent eight years undermining state medical marijuana laws. I hope President Obama doesn't spend eight years doing the same."

  • "I support medical marijuana and hope Obama does, too."

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by writch published on February 4, 2009 5:23 PM.

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