Christians, atheists battle on London buses

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2:35 PM EST February 6, 2009
Professor Richard Dawkins, the author of the book "The God Delusion," poses in front of a London bus featuring an atheist ad in January. Christians are about to launch their own campaign.
© AP

Christians are soldiering on in the battle over God's existence by putting ads on London's famous red buses urging people to have faith.

The posters are a response to an atheist campaign that told people to stop worrying about religion because God probably doesn't exist.

The Christian Party has paid $22,000 to run ads declaring: "There definitely is a God. So join the Christian Party and enjoy your life," in red, pink and orange letters.

The ads will start appearing buses Monday, just as a monthlong campaign by atheists ends. In that campaign, atheists paid for bus ads saying there is probably no God, so "stop worrying and enjoy your life."

The atheist campaign, organized by the British Humanist Association and backed by Oxford University biologist and author Richard Dawkins, sparked a debate over religious - or anti-religious - messages in public spaces.

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