¿Geez, He's Still Alive?

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When the 'Frost/Nixon' movie came out, I assumed he was dead, too, since I've not seen/heard a show of his for years.  Now, I know why:

David Frost

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Frost

David Frost during an interview with Donald Rumsfeld
Born7 April 1939 (age 69)
Kent, England
OccupationTelevision presenter
Known forThat Was The Week That Was
Breakfast with Frost , Frost On Sunday,(TV-am)

Sir David Paradine FrostOBE (born 7 April 1939) is an English satirist, writer,journalist and television presenter, best known as a pioneer of political satire on television and for his serious interviews of political figures. As of 2008, he hosts the weekly programme Frost Over The World, on Al Jazeera English.



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