Gee, I'm flattered.

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She made me one of her favorites.

Kind of looks like the Patti D'Arbanville character, Sherri Nugil, from Real Genius.

I am attractive, smart, and serious

An image of youngandbrightAn image of youngandbrightAn image of youngandbright


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Just in case you didn't recall that one, here's some of her exit from the movie.  It's an original script, apparently, since it's got Hollyfield named Hopsfield--heh, and (earlier) has a pretty steamy sex scene with her in it that I don't recall. 


(kissing Hopsfield)

Hi. Isn't it wonderful. I finally found him. Number One. I've been looking for him for ten years.


What can I do? She loves me.


Right. Congratulations.


Thanks. Anyway, we probably won't ever get to see you again, so, bye.


What do you mean? Where are you going?


I've got a little survival place in Wyoming. We're going to live there.


Yeah, it's getting too weird around here. See ya.

They climb into the Winnebago and it pulls away. The others watch it go.

Anyway, I thought she kept better than Val.  Whaddya think?

Patti D'Arbanville

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on January 25, 2009 3:27 PM.

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