Down the Psycho Path

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I had fun last night.  I went to the brewpub for the first New Year's Eve party I've gone to in YEARS (almost decades).  I think I understand a bit more about my previous relationship, and about some recent interactions I've had as a result.

You see, sociopaths have two main enemies: time, and themselves.

Time will show most lies as such.

Themselves can be a fatal trap, if, for instance, they were to get drunk and actually speak their mind.

My ex, when I met her, wasn't a *lush* but she was a pretty heavy drinker when she partied.

At about the same point that everything else changed in that relationship (which I now assume, given that I have more facts, was when the man she had been stalking with the intent of retrieving actually married his wife), she stopped drinking (for the most part--after that, she rarely had more than one drink in an evening).

Loose lips sink ships, yano?

Anyway, one of the hallmarks of these psycho/socio/path personalities is that they *don't* really remember the past, since it's not real, anyway.

Two of the most egregious lying women I've met this year were at the party last night.  I don't think either of them had a clue (well, maybe the one, slightly sharper one might have had an inkling that I'm onto her).

The other one blithely came up to me as if I *wasn't* the 'tool of the devil' (yeah, that one, the 'gnostic gnun').  She had another young man draped over her, and this one looked as clueless as the last (boy, did I feel sorry for the last one).

Her mom was there with her, but I think her mom's old enough to at least try to keep track of the BS, and knows better than to ever approach me again as anything like a 'friend'.  

So I didn't speak to the third of four weird women of the year.

I wonder if I'll ever run across the Anderson Valley girl again?  

I think of all of them, she was the one that depressed me the most.  I really thought that I might have someone to hang with from time to time and talk about Jung and Leary and Watts and stuff (she was going for her Ph.D in psych, and studying under my former dept. chair).  

I actually invited her to come over and check out my brain-damaged brother in vivo, since he was here, and it seemed like fun (he's usually in pretty good spirits about his condition, at least he was, until I started noticing that nobody else had noticed exactly how messed up he actually was).  

I was a bit confused at our parting, as I had considered us 'friends' but the way she was dressed when she arrived, and the way she hugged me goodbye when she left were inconsistent with that concept.

I think it wasn't the later lie, but the absolute transparency of it, that was so rude in her case.  I'm used to people lying for convenience, but I'm used to a higher quality lie (at least mildly believable).  It's not so much an affront to my honesty as to my intelligence, frankly.

I'm pretty sure that a great many men simply DON'T listen to women at all (or else there would be a much higher standard of deception on their part).

Of course, this isn't surprising, given that we still haven't caught on to the Israeli/Palestinian issue yet.

I think that Americans, for the most part, simply don't pay attention to damn near anything for long enough to understand it.

It's like some kind of cultural attention-deficit disorder.

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