One of these Days is Not Like the Others

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I work with people who would do good to remember the importance of this song.

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I agree, you have to. Seems this song has something to do with your interest. It appears that media buzz mandates which contestant on "Dancing with the Stars" is the most important. This season is off to a start as the Palin "Dancing with the Stars" year. She probably is on the show because Sarah Palin is her mom. Bristol herself hasn't accomplished too much. For a seemingly token addition, Bristol managed to do a quite decent job. The nature of the show is that celebrities dance for points. The spring season had plenty of star power, and so does the fall season. This year is heavy on stooges from reality TV, and each year has fewer individuals that did things like act or something else. That aside, it should be a good season.

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on August 6, 2010 4:25 PM.

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