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Sort of (battlefield promotion).  It seems the 'architect' of the system I'm working on went on disability, and development fell to me.

Now, nobody's talking, but I'm thinking, "Nervous breakdown?"  It makes sense (given what I came upon).

You seriously wouldn't believe how much stuff people will think of 'designing' w/o writing a single bit down in a 'plan'.

And if it's not written down, and you compare it to your memory of what it was, what kind of check and balance is that?

The good side is that it took him a month of flailing before he just disappeared, but I've managed to debug and implement most of his code since Monday.

Most of the 'bugs' were statements he put in searching for 'bugs' but forgot to take out (which precluded the product actually 'working').

I really am that much better a programmer than most of them.  I remember the feet I shot, and how (and try to prevent recurrence).  He was using most of the methods I'd learned were bad, but wouldn't fix it.

Maybe now he sees why we use those methods (keeps the programmers from dropping like flies).  Maybe he's just getting enough energy back to come back and wreak more havoc by designing w/o discussing.  God knows.

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