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One of the new hosts on our local progressive radio (after Air America bit the dust we got some new folks) is a *FLAMING* faggot comic who is just hysterical (most days).  His personality is a bit abrasive, but he's just funny.

For example, one of the promos they are running for him has him commenting on the recent Michigan militia arrests.  He points out that these folks (the ones who were planning on killing cops), were stockpiling weapons in preparation for the 'end times' where the final battle with the Antichrist plays out.

So he sets it up.  They are there in the bunker, and the captain (Sarah Palin) comes in to tell the troops that the final battle is upon them, and they need to get ready (lock and load).

Then, he points out the obvious: "This is a supernatural being drawn up from the depths of Hell to take possession of the Earth for his father, Satan."

"Do you *REALLY* think a 9mm is going to stop him?"


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It's been days since Israel broke the truce and started murdering Palestinians again.

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