Ex-NASA Scientist's New Book details Breakthrough Physics: The Wave Structure of Matter

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A breakthrough new book from physicist and researcher Milo Wolff leads to a dramatic rethinking of our scientific Natural Laws¾starting with the smallest elements of matter.


"Schrödinger's Universe: Einstein, Waves & the Origin of the Natural Laws" (www.outskirtspress.com) provides persuasive evidence for the Wave Structure of Matter, Wolff's theory is that tiny waves, not particles, form the basis for all matter in the Universe. This major leap in thinking replaces the old Greek concept of discrete material particles. The groundwork was laid by an elite pedigree of scientists, including Erwin Schrödinger and Albert Einstein, whose familiar theories were just a beginning. Their suggestions of the Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) are worked out for the first time in "Schrödinger's Universe."

The ramifications are huge. The Wave Structure of Matter provides a quantitative origin of the fundamental Natural laws, the basis of everything in science. And yet, the entire premise is elegantly simple: just two properties of the quantum space around us, pure energy of waves in space, provide us with knowledge of the Universe. Wolff explains; the electron is comprised of a pair of spherical outward and inward quantum waves, convergent to a center, and existing in quantum space. This is termed a space resonance.  This space resonance is the physical origin of the previously unknown electron quantum spin, Wolff shows how spin occurs when the inward quantum wave undergoes spherical rotation to become the outward wave. The origins of the Natural Laws are found in such wave pairs.

In addition, Wolff shows how WSM could lead to radical new applications such as new ways to build tiny microchips and a fresh understanding of the cosmos. And the many enigmas, puzzles of the centuries-old particle notion, are understood for the first time, using the new concepts of the WSM,

Experts agree. "This book peers into the foundations of science, particles, and the natural laws, and relates them to the enigmas of the universe," states Tom Gehrels of the University of Arizona. And Nancy Kolenda, editor of Frontier Perspectives at Temple University, calls it "An exciting, reader-friendly Nature's Theory of Everything--no scientist should miss it."

Those interested in philosophy will find breathtaking conclusions about the connections of life to the Universe. The underlying message of the WSM is that: We are part of the Universe and the Universe is part of us, because everything consists of waves in space.

All of this is explained in reader-friendly language for everyone from the curious layman to the practicing physicist or philosopher. An expansive appendix provides equations and  references for this new revolutionary science.

"Schrödinger's Universe: Einstein, Waves & the Origin of the Natural Laws" is now available through Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com, and the online bookstore of Outskirts Press, at Outskirtspress.com/store.php.


Book Information

ISBN: 978-1-4327-1979-1

 Format: 7x10 paperback Pages: 188

SRP: US$15.95/CAN$16.95 Genre: Physics 


About the Author: Milo Wolff is the author of "Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe" (1991). He is a researcher in astronomy and has been a professor of physics, working at MIT, NASA and the United Nations. His leading research; Theory of the Polarization of Reflected Light was republished in a series entitled "Milestones in Optics" by the International Society for Optical Engineering.

Author Contact: Visit him on the Web at www.outskirtspress.com/ Schroedingersuniverse

About Outskirts Press, Inc.: Outskirts Press, Inc. offers full-service, custom self-publishing services for authors seeking a cost-effective, fast, and flexible way to publish and distribute their books worldwide while retaining all their rights and full creative control. Available for authors globally at www.outskirtspress.com and located on the outskirts of Denver, Colorado, Outskirts Press represents the future of book publishing, today. 

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