Dunno if you recall ...

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But back before we invaded Iraq, when we were looking at what we'd already done in Afghanistan, some 'odd' facts popped out regarding some original negotiations with the Taliban (prior to 9/11) regarding an oil pipeline (they were good with the plan, but wanted a higher percentage of the take).  VP Dick Cheney was reported to have told them in August of 2001, "You take our carpet of gold or we'll send a carpet of bombs."

Nearly immediately after the Afghan invasion, Mr. Karzai (a former CIA contact) was put in charge of the country, a position he continues to fill.   While it appears that the story that he was a former Unocal consultant was incorrect, it's true that our ambassador there was.

In any case, the pipeline originally described is being built, and in this article by Bruce Gagnon, it's clear that in spite of the fact that the instability in Afghanistan is on the other end of the country, we are building infrastructure that is *right* on top of the pipeline.


By Bruce K. Gagnon (about the author)     Page 1 of 1 page(s)

opednews.com     Permalink

The Washington Post today introduces us this morning to a controversy over Afghanistan war strategy. The Post reports that operations in Delaram (in the southwest) are "far from a strategic priority for senior officers at the international military headquarters in Kabul. One calls Delaram, a day's drive from the nearest city, 'the end of the Earth.' Another deems the area 'unrelated to our core mission' of defeating the Taliban by protecting Afghans in their cities and towns."

Why then are the Marines fighting in this part of the country?

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