No, We Don't Stand Condemned

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I have to agree with Flipper's kid, there really *was* a lot of 'baby baby baby' and 'hey hey hey' in music when I was a kid.

Still, that doesn't define most of my main favorites.  Some of them don't define the groups themselves (anymore).  There was a lot of music that had nothing like the 'pop' genre stock stuff that we listened to.

For instance, Jethro Tull's Aqualung is *not* a baby/hey album.

Queen's original foray into the big time wasn't We Are The Champions, but Killer Queen.  It always strikes me as funny listening to that at some sports event, thinking what a flamer Freddie Mercury was.  Killer Queen was (acoustically) one of the most advanced bits of its age.

Pink Floyd was *obviously* not baby/hey music (they may have used the words from time to time, but ironically).

The Who did Tommy, Spirit did The Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus, John Lennon put out Imagine and Power to the People.  Blood Sweat, and Tears (need I list???).

I bet some of my contemporaries have notables to mention who were lyricists of renown that I've omitted.

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