I knew a man ...

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I worked at the slot machine company at the time.  He'd been in the first Iraq war, though he'd not been sent to Iraq.  He'd been sent to one of the 'supporting' countries.

His mission there wasn't 'on the books'.  It disturbed him what he did, and one day, when we were sitting there in engineering, me working on my neuron-chip card printer, him on slot machine code, he told me about it.

He'd been sent to a 'friendly' country on a covert mission to destroy a TV station.  He was supposed to go in on a weekend when there was nobody there.  There didn't look to be anybody there when they got there (no cars in the parking lot).  When they got inside, there was a technician working, so they killed him (orders, yano?).  When they got outside, his wife was there to pick him up, and they told her he'd be out in just a bit.

I didn't solicit this story.  I heard it long before I heard any of the more gruesome tales that would lead me to think that 'war' is (in fact) a racket.

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on January 17, 2010 7:38 AM.

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