Cheap Rewards

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The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Elvis Costello
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorU.S. Speedskating

Oh, well, I feel so loose tonight I might fall to pieces
So be prepared to sweep me out the door
And I might be horizontal by the time the music ceases
So I think I'll get acquainted with the floor

Oh, I was trying to get away from the things that I always do
Hello, floorboards once again--how are you?

Lip Service--well, that's all you'll ever get from me
Well, how could you believe I'll take you seriously?
With your cheap rewards, your blackmail, and your comical rage
Just remember you'll only be the boss so long as you pay my wage

All the sign posts on this road that point one way
Don't act like you're above me, just look at your shoes
I'll turn the light out now 'cause there's nothing more to say
And it's all been lost before so there's nothing to lose

Oh, but you could say that you love me very painlessly
I would've done the same for you, oh, but you said to me:

Lip service--well, that's all you'll ever get from me
Well, how could you believe I'd take you seriously?
With your cheap rewards, your blackmail, and your comical rage
Just remember you'll only be the boss so long as you pay my wage

Just remember you'll only be the boss so long as you pay my wage.

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on December 8, 2009 9:53 PM.

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It's been days since Israel broke the truce and started murdering Palestinians again.

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