Yes, when you aren't living inside a bubble of lies, and newspeople are allowed to 'do their jobs' (be curious on the air), this is what you get. From the Great White North:
OMNI TV Interview
Program: The Standard
Airdate: April 22, 2008
Vancouver, BC Canada
In this 20 minute Satellite TV interview, Richard Gage, AIA, of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth lays out all the evidence for the controlled demolition of the 3 WTC high-rises on 9/11. The next day Vancouver 9/11 Truth had to turn away 50 people in this standing room only venue of 300 at the famous Vancouver Public Library. Here is the 20 minute power packed video that you can play for your friends, colleagues, and, of course, your local A&E's!
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