Memory and Imagination

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It was the name of a required course in college.  Frank S.ent me a link about what they 'know' about dreams today.  In it, they asked the question: "What are dreams and why do we have them?"  I've got a related, but different question, myself: "What are *prophetic* dreams and *how* do we have them?"

I doubt these guys will address that issue.

In a related note, I'm still wondering about my brother's experience of existence.  If you know Carole King's song, "Tapestry" (and my brother) you'd have to admit his tapestry is unravelling; however, he still seems to be able to construct 'memory' (where none should rightfully exist).  When one is able to weave together the tartan and the polka dot and get a single fabric, the results are, um, 'peculiar' at best.

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on November 23, 2009 5:05 PM.

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