I Know, I told you it was fun

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But that was before I ran into the 'rogue game operators' at Ikariam.org.

It turns out that they let people make up rules there, and then throw you out of the game because of them.  In my case, I thought I'd name my cities in 'speed world' as simply the word for 'city' in various languages.  Phonetically, they were "Polay" (Greek) "Grad" (Macedonian), "Eir" (Yiddish), "Ketamiyatu" (Ethiopian) and Shahar (Farsi).

These rules about language (listed on the board, but not in the 'rules' page) are also *identical* to the rules on their .com server (the first one I was on there).  The rule in question deals with the language of correspondence, and on the .com side, it's clarified with the note that this doesn't apply to town names, or such (only correspondence).

But, due to caprice and a decidedly cavalier attitude, the GOs in .org have gone xenophobic, and are interpreting the rule as 'English Only'; however, they don't post this information in the rules.

For the record, the 'rules' are:



The .com rules are further clarified in the board:

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