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I made a joke earlier about Milton Friedman, but upon researching some other items, I've realized that I misconstrued his desire and advocacy of a 'hard' currency (one w/o inflation, as that is an insidious tax on the poor) as a 'gold' standard advocacy.  He actually was in favor of a much more fluid model (since the discovery of a new vein of gold alters the value of your money).

In looking into this, I found a lovely item called the 'Elliot Wave' which refers to a part of human study that I'd like to think of as the precursor to proper 'psychomath'.

It points out that in all mass movements, there are waves of five and three that interact, and they do so in a way that involves the fibonacci sequence.

Now, that's pretty complex, but it should be easy to see.  Just watch the DJIA.  

It looks like we're on three of five going up.  Should be two more ups then a set of downs.

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on October 19, 2009 2:29 PM.

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