Colony of Morons

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Earlier today, I'd mused on living in Ukiah (which is *obviously* a colony of morons).

Of course, they are just a subset of the American 'culture'.

Here's another sentient life-form who pays the ultimate commodity (attention), of course, he rose to the rank of General (most sentients do, yano?):

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Yeah, I agree with you.. This is the time that we should have to do a thing for pro peace movement! Stop the war. US is spending almost $7 million for their military troops. Think about how this affect the economy..Today, the stock market is one of the primary ways for firms to raise capital in a market economy, and one of the prime movers of the world economy in general. Given the nature of the market these days, it isn't an entirely reliable funding option all the time. Warren Buffett advocates sticking money into a long term worthy investment, and leaving it there to grow over time. Using a stock market portfolio as a back up source of emergency funding isn't always the best idea, and that's why a lot of smaller businesses are looking into installment loans more than anything else.

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on October 20, 2009 7:31 PM.

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It's been days since Israel broke the truce and started murdering Palestinians again.

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