Begins with a "B", Bob ...

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More examples of hyperbole:
  • "Your sister's so skinny, she has to run around in the shower to get wet" Cliff, from Valley View Elementary School, in Richmond, California, USA
  • "Your sister is so dumb, she walked by the YMCA and thought they spelled MACY'S wrong" Alicia, from Shannon Elementary School, in Pinole, California, USA
  • "My history teacher's so old, he lived through everything we've learned about ancient Greece" Ryan, CFS, Willingboro, USA
  • "I think of you a million times a day" Vern Sal, from Jose Rizal Memorial State College, in Dipolog City, the Philippines
  • "The test was so hard, by the time I finished it I was 100 years old!" Ranada, from Larose M.S., Larose, Louisiana, USA
  • "Saskatchewan is so flat, you can see your dog run away for 4 days!" Jenna, from Olympic Heights School, Calgary
  • "Your momma is so dumb, she got locked in the grocery store and starved to death!" Vicky Moreno, from T.C. Marsh M.S., Dallas, Texas, USA
  • "Your momma is so dumb, she thought TACO BELL was a Mexican phone company." Mrs. Jonas' 4th Period Class, T.C. Marsh M.S., Dallas, Texas, USA
  • "It was so cold, even the polar bears were wearing jackets." Elizabeth, from Covington, USA
  • "Our library is so old, its book pages are numbered with roman numarals ... written by the Romans!" Bobby W.
  • "My girlfreind is so popular, she has her own 900 number." Ed, from Lebanon, USA
  • "That boy's eyes are so big, they look like they're going to jump out and grab you! Ashley Clarke
  • "My best friend is so forgetful, I sometimes have to remind her what her name is!" Katie Holmes
  • "The Eiffel Tower is so big, when I looked up I nearly got whiplashed!" Kerri, from Dexter, Missouri

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on October 11, 2009 7:26 PM.

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It's been days since Israel broke the truce and started murdering Palestinians again.

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