BREAKING NEWS: Pennsylvania House Speaker bans Jesus Christ from prayers. Heroic Pastor Censored. California City also debates vote to ban Jesus from prayers. "California, Stand Up For Jesus!" State-wide Prayer Rally 5 Aug, 6pm in Lodi, CA.
Dear Friends,
The right to pray publicly "in Jesus name" is under new attack in Pennsylvania and again in California. Please let me explain to you exactly what terrible events just transpired...
The Democrat Speaker of the Pennsylvania House Keith R. McCall has just issued (and enforced) a policy which bans the name of Jesus Christ as illegal speech that may not be uttered during voluntary prayers spoken before the Pennsylvania state legislature.
blurbs aside, I really thought about what they are looking at here.
You see, it's a kind of 'magical' thinking. You have the 'magic words' that make (in this instance, God) do what you tell Him to do (using "Jesus' name" as the magic controlling word).
The "2&2"?
It's why they are *also* so freaked about Harry Potter. One wouldn't want to have that kind of association floating about to be made.
If there's only *one* kind of magical thinking in a society, it's 'normal'.
If there's more than one (and worse, competing versions), then (hopefully) one will come to the point of view that there's no 'controlling' going on here.
I mean, think of it. What did the name do for the J-man himself?
Crucifixion isn't exactly what most people would go for, given the 'magic word'.
And what in God's name did he mean in John 19:11 when he says:
11Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin."
Isn't the 'one who handed him over' God?
What's all that then?
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