Yano ...

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Just for those of you who haven't really known me all that well, and so don't know my history (of 'wreviews'), here's a semi-history (what I can recall as of this moment):

1973: Dallas, Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show

1974: Dallas, "KISS: Hotter Than Hell" tour, KISS, Bob Seeger, Boston

1974: Dallas, "Rush: 2112", Rush (Dallas Opera House)

1975: Dallas, "Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same" tour, 

1975: Dallas, "Rolling Stones, It's Only Rock 'N Roll" tour, Rolling Stones, Eagles, Montrose, and Trapeze (Cotton Bowl) 

1975: Dallas, "ZOO Armadillo Festival" "Blood, Sweat, and Tears", "David Clayton Thomas", "Freddie King", "Rusty Wier", and (curiously enough) "Blue Öyster Cült"

1976: Dallas, Joni Mitchell and the LA Express

1976: Dallas, Aerosmith's 'Dream On' tour

1976: Dallas, "ZOO Goodwill Concert", Black Oak Arkansas, Wishbone Ash, Head East, and Pure Prairie League (Cotton Bowl Parking Lot)

1978: Dallas, Texas World Music Festival, Ted Nugent, Heart, Atlanta Rhythm Section, Bob Welch, Aerosmith, Willie Nelson, Kris & Rita, Charlie Daniels, & Mahogany Rush

1979: Dallas, Ramones

1982: Dallas, Queen, Billy Squier

1985: Dallas, Emily Kaitz

1985: Dallas, John Prine

1986: Dallas, Edie Brickell & New Bohemians

1993: Austin, REM

1996: Albuquerque, Rolling Stones: Bridges to Babylon, Rolling Stones (late)

1998: Albuquerque, Tori Amos: Plugged '98 tour

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on May 5, 2009 6:08 PM.

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