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Jesus H Christ and The Four Hornsmen Of The Apocalypseby Jesus H Christ and The Four Hornsmen of the Apocalypse

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Modern Rock | Beatles-pop

13 tracks | 37 minutes

Released Mar 2006
on Jesus H Christ and The Four Hornsmen of the Apocalypse

Click Listen sample for a 30-second preview. All tracks are 192kbps high fidelity sound quality. ProtectedWMA $0.77 or unprotected MP3 $0.88.

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Bio / Background

New York-based Jesus H Christ and the Four Hornsmen of the Apocalypse are an eight-piece rock/pop/punk/folk/metal/cabaret band. Likened to B-52s meets X-Ray Spex meets Weezer meets Blood Sweat and Tears, the JHC "difference" is horny, thinking-person's, emotionally-bare lyrics protectively cloaked in hard candy pop. All original, stylishly diverse, stick-in-your-head songs about being bicoastal, stealing your boyfriends' Kenneth Anger and Balzac references, compassion fatigue, boobs, Old Lyme, and widower-lust, with roaring guitars and celestial horns. Poignant, laughable, awash in sound and fury, signifying nothing, but saying everything that no one usually dares to say, JHC&TFHotA are really just eager to be held and loved. At which point they'll become distant and forget to buy toilet paper.

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on May 4, 2009 2:16 PM.

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