Yano, there's a *REASON* that I personally pushed for St. Teilhard de Chardin's canonization (preceding even Bob Marley).
It's because *that* is where we differ the most from the other Rasta churches.
And though I rarely mention it, I've seen the dead after death. In particular, John Lennon appeared to me after he died and explained a point to me from the dream I'd had of him being shot earlier that day that was our assignment for class.
But, "Was he dead?"
Why, yes, I'm pretty sure he was dead. He looked rather wispy. I'm pretty sure that if you can't tell, ask them what they think of sex. I'm nearly 100% sure that the dead no longer participate in sex. If I see him again, I'll be sure to ask.
I just had a phone call from a local nutjob who wanted us to take the 'Rasta' off our church because we aren't waiting for H.I.M. to come back (Ras Tafari). He told me he was sure that Ras Tafari was still alive, because he'd seen him.
I mentioned that the Ethiopian Crown Council had determined he was dead, appointed a new Emperor, and he died, and they are hanging back on appointing his successor until they get back in Ethiopia (apparently).
So far, that's two (the Coptics called and bitched last year).
I mentioned to him that one of the reasons we schismed off of EZCO was the misogyny and homophobia.
I didn't mention to him that this fascination with 'black' things was another reason.
If you hadn't noticed, H.I.M. was of Jewish descent, and was an Ethiopian Coptic Orthodox. Genetically, he's a 'caucasian'.
Bob Marley is *at least* half Anglo (not just European, but Anglo).
Now, as a Celt, I'd have to point out that accepting Bob has little to do with his race, but really, it's easier to deal with the black half than the Anglo.
The new guy is considerably darker than the old guard (and his bio mentions it).
His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile-Selassie, President of the Crown Council of Ethiopia, is the only son of His late Imperial Highness Prince Sahle-Selassie Haile-Selassie and Her Imperial Highness Princess Mahzente Hapte-Mariam. The late Prince Sahle-Selassie was the youngest son of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen of Ethiopia. Prince Ermias in many ways represents the unity of Ethiopia: he is of Amhara, Oromo and Guragé background.

The President of the Ethiopian Crown Council, His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile-Selassie, the grandson of Emperor Haile-Selassie. Click on image for enlargement. |
Prince Ermias was born in Addis Ababa on June 14, 1960, and lived in Ethiopia for a considerable part of his early life, where he underwent his primary education. He continued his studies at the Old Ride Preparatory School, and then at Haileybury College, in England. He undertook a BA in social studies, with an emphasis on economics, at the University of California in Santa Barbara, from 1978 to 1981, and continued his education at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy between 1983 and 1985.
His Imperial Highness is the father of twin sons -- Princes Sahle-Selassie (Christian) and Fesseha Tsion (Rufael) -- born on February 20, 1992.
So, for those of you who are interested, *yes* our Church says this guy (when seated) is the Emperor (not of Ethiopia, but of Earth). We will pursue our legal right to establishment of our temple in Jerusalem when it settles down over there, and ask H.I.M. to cut the ribbon on the front door to officially open it up.
We want to ensure that all 'ribbon cutting' and 'baby kissing' is done by this family, and the work of governing left to people who are better suited.
He's considerably cuter than Prince Charles, anyway.
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