Roxana Saberi: Pretty Guilty

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Wed, 13 May 2009 20:05:23 GMT 
French human rights activists protesting for Roxana Saberi's release
By Zhila Keshvari 

While the world seems to rejoice in the release of the journalist Roxana Saberi from an Iranian jail, and conspiracy theorists are busy weaving tales of the conspiracy for her arrest, and release, The Times of London revealed yesterday that she had indeed committed serious offences of which she had been accused. 

One of Miss Saberi's attorney - Mr. Saleh Nikbakht - made the startling revelation, on the day she was released after three months in detention. He confirmed that Miss Saberi - who was initially arrested for illegal purchase of alcoholic beverage - had later been found to have in her possession classified documents without the necessary permits. 

Her lead defense attorney Mr. Abdolsamad Khorramshahi said that during the hearing, her client had "accepted that she had made a mistake and got access to documents she should not have." 

The documents, coming from Iran's Expediency Council, were apparently secret reports of aspects of Iraq under US occupation. She had admitted the offence during interrogations, which - according to her father - did not include torture, and had apologized for her act. She claimed that she had obtained the documents "out of curiosity." 

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