I mention a great deal of the time my esteemed Zen Master, Alan Watts

I hardly mention my Rasta influences, since they are somewhat peculiar. It's not like I ever got 'converted' to this.
I was a Roman, but they taught me, and I paid attention, and ultimately came to realize I was actually a Copt the whole time (a heretic).
So I was primed.
But it was when I first got out on the 'web' (I've been on the 'internet' since 1988, but the web was this 'new' thing), and met a most fascinating woman (sisu). She had her master's thesis on the web at that point, which dealt with the method by which Rastafarian parents transfer their understanding to their children. It's a fascinating work, and she's a fascinating woman.
Now, the manner is quite interesting, but really, what struck me was the absolute simplicity of the Rastafarian religious precept (I&IR1). I noted a lot of linguistic characteristics that were designed to inculcate that thought in kids.
That's why (eventually) some of us started that specific church.
I didn't note any of the 'weird' Rasta crap in that linguistic study, either. None of the 'black is better' BS, none of the 'women are property' stuff, nor that weird stuff about how H.I.M. is 'coming back'.
So at ZZCO, we try to point out first and foremost that I&I&I&IR1!
That's why our 'cross' isn't one (if you'd ever noted).
It's an Irae-boros.

The actual items (non-spinning) can be procured through our arrangement with markdefrates.com

I suppose if you wanted to call it a 'cross' you'd have to admit it looks more like the 'wheel of torture' upon which the victims were broken.
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