Coinkidink theeree

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So, last week, for the first time in months, I played two items I'd played which I hadn't thought of specifically, but which exactly preceded the other "issues" at the station.

These were the Greg Palast bit on what a bunch of suckers the Californians were (and still are) regarding the *MASSIVE* rip-off by the energy companies which are still un-repaid, and the DEC Gaza Ad which was banned by the BBC.

Now, it's coincidence that I played the two before at the same time (both times) so I can't really say what the precipitant was.

But I think it's rather curious, the timing, yano?

I don't think I'll be a radio celebrity for much longer, so if you cared to listen to what little value I offer, you'd best do it while I'm still on the air.

M-F  6-8 AM PT, 7-9 AM MT, 8-10 AM CT, 9-11 AM ET, 10AM-12PM AT, 11AM-1PM BT

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This page contains a single entry by writch published on May 2, 2009 9:10 PM.

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