Yes, those folks who just can't seem to be happy. It's because their amygdalas are small. They can't *have* an emotion, they can only be consumed by them (uses up all the grey matter).
And it's genetic.
Now, when they finally tie this inadequacy to sports, so we can use them to identify these individuals early, we can clean that genetic shortcoming right up. It's a pity, but this moronic stance is the dominant genotype in the west.
The funniest part is where they look at the individuals, see that they report that they are happier overall, and (mis)conclude that this is due to anger resolving issues for them.
Didya think, maybe, it might be because their brains are too small?
Even if you don't admit that ignorance is bliss, you gotta admit that with less grey matter to fill, even the smallest things might make some of them positively ecstatic.
Then again, one of the researchers is afflicted. Perhaps that explains the short-sightedness.
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