Why The Two-State Solution Will Fail

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Assume, for the moment that the extreme right-wingers in Israel pull back and stop the war, set the lines back where they were, and really do try to live at peace, and do.

And say the Palestinians accept this.

So then, we're back to the standard invasion of the Holy Land (tourists).

Given that you are more likely than not on one side of that line to find lodgings with someone who finds you (as goyim) an inferior life form, smarter than a chimpanzee, but still not quite human, or on the other side of the line with an equal (roughly), which side do you stay on?

I'm guessing that the only ones who really will stay on the blue side of that border are the Jews and Hindus (Polytheists aren't as welcome on the other side of the line).

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It's been days since Israel broke the truce and started murdering Palestinians again.

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