Very Curious Piece

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It's titled, "The Road to Jenin" and it's a response to "Jenin, Jenin" (which was not entirely accurate in and of itself).

Now, while I might admit that there was some fabrication going on on the Arab side (first casualty of war is always the truth), if you can watch this obvious propaganda piece and *not* question HOW this guy got some of his apparently 'hidden' footage, you aren't paying attention.

On some of the other footage, it's very apparently footage that the IDF shot while prosecuting the war.  I think their wartime priorities in filming are somewhat suspect.

Now, whether or not the folks in "Jenin, Jenin" lied is one thing.  They may well have merely misunderstood things and reported their misunderstanding as 'fact' (like most humans do).

There's a difference between going out with a camera and capturing inaccuracies on film, and going out with a camera *in order* to capture inaccuracies.

One has to wonder if (for example) the guy who seems to be coaching a woman to lie on camera to the 'news' has somehow *missed* the other guy with a camera who is recording his deception.  You'd think he'd notice, as the other guy has a better camera (video folks note those kinds of things).

From the wiki:

On July 31, the UN issued its report indicating at the time the report was issued 52 Palestinians killed had been verified and it's possible that as many as half of them were civilians.[56] The UN criticized the Palestinians and the Israelis for having exposed civilians to danger. 

In early May, Human Rights Watch completed its report on Jenin. The report said there was no massacre, but accused the IDF of war crimes.[68] On April 18, Derrick Pounder, a British forensic expert who was part of an Amnesty International team granted access to Jenin, said: "I must say that the evidence before us at the moment doesn't lead us to believe that the allegations are anything other than truthful and that therefore there are large numbers of civilian dead underneath these bulldozed and bombed ruins that we see".[37]

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