Ruling Favors Franken in Minnesota Senate Contest

| No Comments | No TrackBacks, March 31, 2009 · The election was more than 20 weeks ago. The trial contesting its results lasted seven weeks. And a three-judge panel appointed by the state Supreme Court spent two-plus weeks wrestling with a decision.

But late Tuesday afternoon, it appeared that the U.S. Senate death match in Minnesota between Republican Norm Coleman and his Democratic challenger, comedian Al Franken, may be finally working its way to a conclusion.

In a ruling that favors Franken, the judges' panel essentially rejected the underlying argument in Coleman's appeal of a statewide recount that gave Franken a 225-vote victory. Coleman's case had hinged on the judges agreeing to count up to 1,300 absentee ballots that he argued were wrongly rejected. But they ordered only 400 absentee ballots opened and counted, and those ballots are expected to include many that Franken argued had been wrongly rejected by election officials.

The additional votes, which many are predicting would still leave Franken the winner, will be opened and counted on April 7.

During a call with reporters after the ruling, Franken lawyer Mark Elias said: "We are obviously pleased." 

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